The AllMyPay portal uses SSL and HTTPS, and has passed testing by independent cyber security specialists.
Can AllMyPay be populated with historic payslips, P60s, and P11Ds?
It depends. If your payroll provider has been using IRIS Payrite to process your payroll then this is straightforward.
Is there an app available for AllMyPay?
There is an app available called
myIRIS. It is available for both Android and Apple devices.
Can someone from my company have additional administrator access?
Administrator access is available which gives a number of additional options and provides an overview of the company's payroll.
Do company leavers have access to historical payslips?
Once someone has left the company they have 3 months to access the payslips (and P60s, P11Ds). If they require access after that then provided they are registered they can use the app.
How will the employee know how to access the AllMyPay web portal?
Each time the employee is paid they will be sent a reminder of the address of their web portal. Additionally they will be sent fresh details on how to register should they not already have done so.
Can payslips be downloaded from the AllMyPay web portal?
Yes. Payslips can be viewed online from within the portal and there is also the option to download them should the employee wish to do so.